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??? What are these question marks doing here? These represent tools which we know by a Dutch or French name, but who's English name is yet unknown. Suggestions are always welcome!

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Embossing pliers
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Embossing tool
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Embroiderie scissors
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Endive harvesting fork
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Endive lifting fork
The endive or chicory (Chicorium intybus L. var. Foliosum) can be harvested with the help of a spade, a fork or a plow (1), but also with a special tool, the endive  fork. It has two short (approx. 25 cm) tines that are bent apart in the middle - the distance between the tines is approx. 2 cm - and which are attached to a short, wooden T (2) or D handle ( approx. 30 cm). The endive lifting fork is put into the ground behind the plant. By pushing the stem of the fork backwards, the root of the plant can easily be pulled out of the ground. See also the beet lifting fork, endive harvesting fork. [MOT] (1) SIMON: 13. (2) Sometimes the stem does not protrude in the middle of the handle (see MOT V 2012.0554).
Enema syringe
Metal (tin or copper) or rubber syringe (1) with which an enema is applied through the vent opening in the rectum, for example to promote bowel movements or to administer medicines or food (2); for humans an irrigator is also used, sometimes an enema. The enema sprayer for livestock, where one applies 3 to 4 liters (3), is about 60-70 cm long. This one for people, about 20 cm. See also the syringer for flowers. [MOT] (1) Exceptionally also glass (BENNION: 170). (2) Tobacco smoke was sometimes used to reanimate drowning people. (3) Larousse agricole s.v. lavement.
Engineer's ratchet brace
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Erasing knife
There are different models of erasing knives. They are used mostly in the office to scrape pencil lines or ink stains from the paper. See also penknife. For more technical information see the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Escargot tongs
Escargot are often too hot to hold with the hand, so escargot tongs are used. These tongs have crossed arms that are held closed by a spring. The spring is adapted to the shape of the cochlea, so that the escargot can be grasped well. Due to the spring, the tongs clamp around the escargot when the arms are no longer squeezed. The cochlea is now fixed enough to remove the meat with an escargot fork.See also the snail plate. [MOT]
Exagonal key
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Excluder cleaning tool
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Extracting forceps
The dentist has a set - a minimum of ten - of forceps to extract the teeth. The direction of the mouth, its opening width and the shape of the jaws are each adapted to specific teeth. There are pliers for the upper and for the lower teeth, for the left and for the right teeth, for the incisors and canines, for the molars and for the wisdom teeth. [MOT]
Eyelash curler
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Eyelet extractor
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Eyelet pliers
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Faggot press
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Fagot fork
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Feather duster
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Fencing pliers
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File brush
Steel brush made of short (approx. 1 cm) kinked metal wires that protrude through a thick (approx. 0.4 cm) piece of fabric. The latter is glued to a thin board (length approx. 10-15.5 cm; width approx. 2.5-5.5 cm) with a handle or a wooden block. A file brush is used to remove wood or metal filings from the file. Brushing is done in the direction of the file cut. [MOT
File cutter's hammer
Description under construction... For more information about this tool, see the dutch version of this file.
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Fillister plane
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Fire shovel (blacksmith)
The fire shovel is an iron shovel (length approx. 75 cm; width approx. 12 cm) with usually a flat blade and iron handle, with which the blacksmith brings the coals together and covers the piece to be heated. Often the handle is open. See also the ash shovel and fire shovel (stoker). [MOT]
Fire shovel (stoker)
Iron shovel (length 100-120 cm; width 15-20 cm) with flat blade and iron handle, with which the coals are brought together in the boiler. Often the stem ends in a ring. The stoker's fire shovel is usually part of a set, along with a poker, oven rake and clinker tongs. See also fire shovel (blacksmith). [MOT]
Fire swatter
The fire swatter is a hand tool that the fire brigade uses to extinguish a running fire in grass, heather, etc. while beating. It replaces the common twigs that were used in the past. The fire swatter consists of 10 flexible iron bands that are clamped in a fan-like holder in which a long wooden handle (approx. 200 cm) protrudes. To be distinguished from the eelspear. See also the mop. [MOT]
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Fireman's Axe
The fireman's axe mainly serves to break a door or window, but it is used for all kinds of purposes (1). Today it closely resembles a woodman's axe. The straight handle often ends in a small sphere to provide a better grip. Often there is a notch at the bottom of the blade to pull out nails and a spring strengthens the connection with the stem (2). Very common is a pointed axe, i.e. an axe with a heavy point opposite the edge (3). Here too one or two springs are often found. Today there are firefighter's axes made of a non-sparking alloy. The stem can be short (about 35 cm) or long (about 80-90 cm). The short handle often has slight bumps along its entire length to provide a better grip; when isolated, it is usually serrated. The handle of some models ends in a heavy iron point. [MOT] (1) Eg. to drive a peg of emergency into the wall. Certain models appear in military and security equipment. See also the window-smasher to shatter safety glass in a bus, train or plane. (2) In most countries...
Firewood saw
Span saw for cutting firewood. Her arms are not parallel: the blade is longer than the rope. One of the arms protrudes from under the blade and serves as a handle. One arm of some saws has a handle cut out (1). Today, the ordinary span saw is replaced by a metal arc saw, which is also used for felling small trees. The firewood to be cut is usually placed on a sawhorse. The saw works in both directions and is held horizontal or at an angle. [MOT] (1) Eg. GOZIN: fig. 34.
Firmer chisel
Wide chisel (up to 8 cm) with one or two bevels, a tang and a neck, or a socket and a shank, or all metal (1). Unlike the mortise chisel, the firmer chisel is for heavy-duty work: carving out a pin, hollowing out a drill bit hole, etc. The handle is usually fitted with one or two ferrules to prevent cracking. Some chisels with a triangular cross-section, which often get thicker towards the handle (2), are only slightly wider than thick. The Japanese chisel (Japanese: õire nomi), also for the heavier work, is used in a set with different widths and lengths. See also the joiner's gouge. [MOT] (1) See a long specimen (95 cm) in "Les moulins": 24. (2) Eg. GROTH: 196.
First bit
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Fish chopping-knife
Chopper with a heavy, elongated or curved blade that is fixed in a straight handle and used to chop fish into pieces. It is distinguishable from the single-handed meat cleaver because it is lighter and has a rounded, thinner blade. The cut is straight or convex. [MOT]
Fish fillet knife
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Fish scaler
To quickly and easily scale fish, one usually uses a fish scaler, with which one rubs the fish from tail to head, so against the scales. The metal, always serrated, blade of the fish scaler can be in the shape of a ring or triangle, a hair brush (1) or a dough scraper (2). The (wooden) handle forms an obtuse angle (approx. 5 °) with the working part or is attached to it with a kink. Often the fish scaler is part of the folding fishing knife. The sharp, serrated edge of a shell can also serve as a fish scaler. See also pocket knife. [MOT] (1) Eg. CAMPBELL FRANKLIN: 100 and CAMPBELL: 84.
Fish spear
This text can only be consulted in Dutch. See also the eelspear.
Fish triage stick
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Fishing knife (folding)
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Fishing rake
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Fishing spade
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Fitter's pliers
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Flagging iron
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Flare spanner
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Flask tongs
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Flat chisel
Flat nose pliers
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Flat pick
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Flat pickaxe
When heavy blocks of coal are loosened, the miner cuts two vertical and one horizontal slots at the bottom with his pickaxe. The flat pickaxe is a short straight flat pick with a sharp point at both ends and a wooden or metal handle up to 180 cm long. (1) See also pickaxe. [MOT] (1) Eg. HABETS: 11.
Flatting hammer
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Flattop hair comb
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