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??? What are these question marks doing here? These represent tools which we know by a Dutch or French name, but who's English name is yet unknown. Suggestions are always welcome!

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Chain pipe wrench
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Chainmail burnisher
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Chair-caning hammer
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Chalk line
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Chalkboard eraser
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Chamfering shave
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Champagne cutter
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Champagne nippers
The stopper of a champagne bottle can easily be loosened with champagne nippers. The narrow jaws with fairly large teeth grip the head of the cork. Sometimes the opening is behind the rotating spindle and we find champagne scissors at the front to cut the muselet, i.e. the wire around the cork. Another model has 2 brackets about 4 cm above the jaws to hold the cork when it comes out. See also the champagne cutter. Can be distinguished from the wax tongs to break the wax of a sealed bottle. [MOT]
Champagne scissors
The wire around the cork of a champagne bottle is cut with champagne scissors. The jaws are very short, since the wire is against the bottle and there is not much play between the wire and the bottle. The champagne scissors are sometimes part of the champagne nippers. [MOT]
The chaquitaclla (1) (pronounced tcha-ki-tak-li-ja) is a typical agricultural implement in the Andes mountains of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. The men use them to work fallow soil by tilting the clods - as with the Spanish Laya, after which the women pow the potato tubers by hand (2). It is not uncommon for five men to work side by side; then they tilt a whole bar in one go. The chaquitaclla evolved from a digging stick to a tool with a sharp metal tip, a curved or straight handle, and a footrest. It is about 1 to 1.5 meters long and has a diameter of about 6 cm. The footrest consists of two poles of approx. 20 cm long that are tied parallel to each other at a height of approx. 45 cm. The wooden handle is tied to the shaft with strips of llama or cow leather. When working on steep slopes, a lower-placed handle - close to the footrest - is more convenient for balancing. The stem fits into the socket of the blade, which is about 7-10 cm wide and 40 cm long. If no metal is available...
Charcoal iron
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Charging shovel
Rectangular iron shovel (approx. 30 cm long) with a wooden D-handle (approx. 70-80 cm). It is used by the stoker when filling the boiler of a heating installation or of a steam engine, and by the brickmaker when heating the oven. It has raised edges so that the coals do not fall out when shoveling. See also the coal scoop and coal shovel. [MOT]
Charring chisel
The charring chisel is a wide, metal stonemason’s chisel with straight, double cutting edge, the angle of which is between 10 ° and 40 °, depending on the hardness of the worked stone. The width of the cutting edge can range from about 3.5 to 18 cm. There are charring chisels with a wooden handle for softer types of stone.  For technical information on this page in dutch. [MOT]
Chasing hammer
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Cheese cutter
See also the cheese knife and cheese cutting knife.
Cheese cutting knife
Cheese cutting knife. See also the cheese knife and cheese cutter.
Cheese knife
See also the cheese cutting knife and the cheese cutter.
Cheese slicer
This text on the cheese slicer can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]
Cheese trier
The cheese maker uses the cheese trier to drill a sample from a ball of cheese. It consists of an elongated, semi-cylindrical blade that is often narrower at the end and that is attached in a straight handle or has a ring as a handle. It can be distinguished from the apple corer. See also the grain sampler. [MOT]
Cheese wire with roller
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Cheese/butter/clay wire
See also the cheese wire with roller.
Cherry pitter
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Chestnut skin tongs
After the husk and skin of the chestnut have been removed, the small membrane of the skin of the fruit must be detached. This can be done by pouring the fruits into a kettle of boiling water and making cutting and twisting movements with these chestnut skin tongs (1). Friction and heat loosen the membrane. The chestnut fleece pliers consist of two approx. 35-60 cm long wooden rods that are connected approximately in the middle by a (copper) screw. The bars are square in section and have triangular notches on the four edges for a better grip on the chestnuts. The part of the bars that acts as a handle is square or round in cross section. [MOT] (1) The proper name of these particular tongs in English is yet unknown.
Chicory knife
The chicory knife is used to cut the tops of the chicory in the field. It is a small (approx. 20 cm) and light (approx. 25 g) knife with a straight blade and smooth edge, which lies comfortably in the hand. The blade is often sharpened, making the edge somewhat hollow. The handle can be wood or plastic. [MOT]
Chicory shovel
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Chimney crook (chain)
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Chimney crook (saw)
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Chimney crook (screw)
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Chip carving knife
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Chipping hammer
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Chocolate mould
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Chocolate truffle mould
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Chopping block
Meat and vegetables can be chopped on a cutting board or a chopping block. The latter is a cross-sawn piece of tree trunk (approx. 30-60 cm diameter; approx. 13-50 cm thick) - often the hole in the tree - possibly with three legs underneath. Usually it is made of beech wood. [MOT] 
Chopping knife
Kitchen utensil for chopping vegetables. There is a wide variety of shapes. The cut can be rectangular or rounded; the handle can be attached to the top of the blade - horizontally like a crank or connected to the blade at one or both ends - but can also be in line with the blade. In the latter case, the knife resembles the meat cleaver, but it is lighter. The vegetable chopper is always used in combination with a chopping block or a wooden bowl or porringer. See also the mincing knife. [MOT]
Chuck key
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Cigar box opener
The cigar box opener is a manual tool with which one can open a cigar box. It has a flat, rounded, blunt blade with a small notch along the side, and a straight handle. With the rounded end you cut the paper band around the lid of the box loose and with the notch you pry the nail loose. In some models there is also a hammer head present to hammer the nail back in. Sometimes the cigar box opener is combined with a cigar cutter. The same tool is used to open boxes with scoops (1). The cigar box opener can also be part of a pocket knife. [MOT] (1) Paul Duflos. Outillage pour le travail du bois. Tariff No. 5. 1920: 13 marteaux-couteaux pour primeurs.
Cigar cutter
The cigar cutter is a hand tool that is used to cut the tip of a cigar before lighting it. It can be small scissors (about 6-10 cm) with two crescent-shaped blades or one of which has a round cutout and the other a concave cut. Another model has a blade with a round cutout - where the tip of the cigar fits - and a straight cutting blade that can be moved along the cutout using the lever principle. There is also the option of making a V-shaped cutout at the mouth end of the cigar. Sometimes this last model is combined with a cigar box opener or it is part of a pocket knife. [MOT]
Cigar roller knife
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Cigar tuck cutter
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Circle glass cutter
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Claw clipper
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Claw hammer (carpenter)
The claw hammer is a hammer - very similar to the farrier's shoeing hammer - with square or round face, of 300-900 gr, with a split pin. The claw is used to pull out nails (1). To do this, the carpenter takes his hammer with the iron under his hand, places the nail in the tapered crack and pulls back the handle. Due to the force exerted on the joint, it is often reinforced by two springs. See also this hammer of the carpenter. [MOT] (1) The double claw - two claws one above the other - occurs only exceptionally (eg SLOANE: 99). It was probably used to pull out long nails.
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Kitchen utensils with a heavy, usually rectangular blade used to chop meat into pieces. Blade and handle form one whole, or the blade is inserted into a wooden handle and takes up more than half of the total weight. In this way, the cleaver falls forward and down, as it were, making chopping easier. The weight (300 gr - 3 kg) of these meat cleavers varies depending on the work to be done with them. Heavy cleavers of butchers effortlessly cut through most joints and bones. See also the billhook for wood and the two-handed cleaver. [MOT]
Cleaver (basket maker)
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Cleaver (two-handed)
To divide animals for slaughter into pieces, the butcher uses a heavy (approx. 2-3 kg) and large (approx. 70-100 cm) cleaver that must be handled with both hands. It is an enlarged version of the one-handed meat cleaver used by the butcher and in the kitchen. See also the butcher's bone saw. [MOT]
Cleaver's stick, dop stick
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Cleaving iron, froe
The cleaving iron or froe is used to split laths and staves. When the trunk is sawn into pieces, the craftsman splits a piece into four or eight with a splitting wedge or with a splitting wedge with handle. Depending on the thickness of the triangular cross-section pieces obtained and the type of laths, these pieces are first divided into two or four with a straight froe or with a hollow froe. To do this, they are clamped in a wooden frame (1). The blade is placed on the cross-section and beaten with a wooden froe-maul. The stem is then pulled down so that the gap widens and the tool can be pushed into it. Then those pieces are split further with a straight froe that is usually less thick and sharper than the first. It is handled in the same way, but the craftsman usually does not use a hammer to drive the tool into the wood. When the lath gets too thick or too thin, he pulls or pushes the stem down or up to cut into the wood. The laths can be split quarter-hourly or flat, i.e. radially...
Cleaving knife
The cleaving knife is an all-metal hand tool for splitting short standing logs. It is a rectangular iron (20-50 / 5-10 / 0.5-1.5 cm) of which one long side is sharp and the other is extended by a co-plane rod (approx. 10-15 cm) which serves as a handle. The craftsman, eg the clog maker or the cooper, places the tool on the cross-section of the piece to be split and hits it with a froe-maul. The splitting wedge is mainly used for splitting long horizontal pieces, unlike the cleaving knife and the splitting wedge with handle. [MOT]
Clinch cutter
The text on the clinch cutter of a shoeing smith can only be consulted in Dutch. [MOT]