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Cooper's trussing adze
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Coping saw
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Coring hook
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Cork borer
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Cork cutter sharpener
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Cork driver
Monoxile hand tool with a flat, often oval-shaped part that is tapped. It has a straight handle - distinguishable from the laundry beater - for knocking the cork into the bottle. Bottles can also be corked with a corking machine. [MOT]
Cork puller
When a bottle is uncorked and the cork accidentally ends up in the bottle, it can easily be removed with a cork puller. It consists of three long, narrow metal wires that are bent at the end and with which the cork can be grasped and pulled out of the bottle. [MOT]
Cork screw
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Cork squeezer
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Corking machine
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Corner brace
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Corner-rounding plane (Japanese)
The Japanese corner-rounding plane (1). (1) ODATE: 118.
Cotton hook
Hand tool that can be used to move bales. It may be a metal S-shaped hook (approx. 20 cm long; approx. 300 gr) with a wooden T-shaped handle, similar to the wood hook and the box hook. It can also be a double crochet. See also this cargo hook. [MOT]
Counter punch
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Crandall hammer
Hand tool of a stonecutter to hammer away the irregularities on a hard stone face. It is composed of a number of pointed irons, held together in a bracket with a locking wedge. The handle can be wood or metal. Since the irons are easily exchangeable, they can be individually sharpened or forged. This hand tool is no longer actively used. (1) See also the bush hammer. [MOT] (1) Due to the excessive dust formation, it would already be prohibited in the Netherlands in 1921. See JANSE 1997: 26.
Crate axe
Some bulky or fragile goods are transported in wooden crates. Sometimes a nail extractor, but usually a crowbar is used to open them. The latter is sometimes combined with an ax and a hammer; it then becomes a crate ax. There are several models of that composite tool. In general, it is made entirely of iron and weighs 0.4-0.8 kg. The handle continues above the ax and the hammer; he forms a crowbar there. Sometimes a drop-shaped hole is drilled in the stem or a notch in the blade of the ax to pull out long nails. [MOT]
Creasing iron
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Crepe spreader
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Crinkle cutter
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Crippling board
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Croque-monsieur iron
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Croquette press
Kitchen appliance with which you can press croquettes. It has a cylindrical or square, usually plastic housing with one or more tubular projections at the bottom and a rotating crank or rod that acts as a lever. The croquette press is filled with mashed potatoes and with the help of the crank or rod a plate is pushed downwards, the mashed dough presses through the tubular projection. In this way a long sausage shape is formed, which is then cut into smaller pieces - the size of one croquette. On some models there is a carrying board on wheels that is slid under the press and on which the pressed croquettes end up. [MOT]
Crow bar
The crow bar is a metal round or flat bar of approx. 25-105 cm, with a slightly curved split end, the claw, to pull out nails. The internal edges of the slit are usually chamfered for easier nail grasping. The bottom end of some large models is curved C-shaped to pull out longer nails. The other end of the crow bar is often forged flat to break open boxes. The Japanese crowbar (Japanese: kajiya) differs in shape from the western model. It has two right-angle claws. On the curved side there is a flat striking surface on which one can hit with the hammer. To remove nails, the upholsterer and shoemaker use a small crow bar, the pin lifter with wooden handle. The furrier uses a comb-shaped tool. The crow bar can be distinguished from the handspike and the pinch bar. See also crate axe.
Crow wheel
The crow wheel is a shoemaker's tool (approx. 12-14 cm) that consists of a small (approx. 1 cm diameter; a few millimeters wide) wheel with a motif that is fixed in a copper U-shaped bracket and a wooden handle. After it has warmed up, it is rolled over the center of the shoe sole to create a decorative line pattern there. [MOT]
Crown drill
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Crown saw auger
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Crucible tongs
Crucible tongs are metal tongs with relatively long arms (approx. 10-40 cm) and convex curved jaws, with which the melting pot can be removed from the fire. Large versions of crucible tongs are also used in founding metals like bronze to pour the molten metal into the mould. These tools are 2 to 4 meters long and must be handled with two people (1). [MOT] (1) One also speaks of 'foundry ladle' or 'bull ladle'. See SELLENS, 270.
Crumb scraper
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Crumb tray
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Curd harp
Curd harp to stir the cheese curd to become dryer after it has been cut with the curd knife. For a desciption of this tool, see the dutch version of this tool page. [MOT]
Curd knife
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Curling iron
Monoxile stick tapering towards the end with a straight handle (approx. 30 cm) - distinguishable from the glove stick - intended for applying corkscrew curls in the hair. After a first shaping of the lock with a curling iron, it is curled and turned around the curling stick. The strand twisted around the stick is brushed, from top to bottom and in the same direction. When the curling stick is pulled out of the hair, the lock is turned into a pipe curl. [MOT]
A currycomb is used to clean a horse or cow. The coarse dried dirt can be gently scraped off the skin with it. The currycomb also opens the sweat holes of the horse skin (1). The currycomb consists of a metal plate with two to eight rows of short (approx. 3 mm) blunt teeth and a handle (approx. 10 cm) or strap for putting the hand through. The working part can have different shapes. For example, it can consist of serrated plates that are mounted parallel in a wooden or to an iron plate or frame (approx. 15 by 10 cm). It can also be a semi-cylindrical plate, where both sides are serrated, or consist of different serrated rings that are mounted on a plate or crossbar. Nowadays a rubber disc with studs is also used. The currycomb can be combined with a mane comb, the blunt teeth of which are much longer. Distinguished from the soft horse brush, used to clean and smooth the horse's short hair. [MOT]
Curve plane
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Curved knife
The curved knife of a basket maker is very similar to the pruning knife but with a fixed and usually shorter (5-8 cm) blade. It is used just like the pruning knife by the basketmaker to cut a twig (1) (see also pruning shears); by the plumber and roofer to cut lead sheets (2); by the saddler to cut out leather. A curved knife is also used for cutting oilcloths. See also the linocutter and pocket knife. [MOT] (1) A basket maker's cleaver cut in the suture of the curved knife is exceptional (BOUCARD: 81). (2) Also called plumber's knife or lead knife (VAN HOUCKE 1901-1902: 450). It is usually a folding knife.
Cutting board
Vegetables are finely chopped on a chopping board with a chopping knife. It consists of a rectangular or trapezoidal shelf with three raised edges, so that the cut food stays in place. In the modern kitchen, this chopping board has often been replaced by a chopping board without raised edges. See also chopping block. [MOT]
Cutting gauge
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Cutting mould (square paving-tile maker)
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Dancing master calliper
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Darning hoop
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Darning tool
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Decorator's tongs
Decorator's tongs are a composite tool to be able to perform as many operations as possible with one tool. These pliers consist of carpenter's pincers, fitter's pliers, wire cutting pliers, a hammer, an axe, a crow bar and a screwdriver. [MOT]
Detonating cord crimper
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Diamond cleaver
The cleaver splits the diamond crystal with this knife. It is made of steel and can be of different sizes and weights. It is rectangular in shape, approx. 3 by 10 cm, and weighs approx. 70 gr. The blade should not be sharp as it should split and not cut. Before splitting, a cut is made in the stone with a sharp diamond or laser. The notch must be V-shaped. Then the cleaver is placed against one of the sloping sides of the kerf. With the splitter hammer, an iron bar of 20 to 30 cm or a wooden hammer, you give a short blow to the cleaver to divide the stone into two pieces. The aim is to give the rough diamond a good shape, so that it can then be sawn and / or cut. [MOT]
Diamond mortar
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Diamond sieve
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Digging fork
A digging fork is used to work or crumble stony or strongly cohesive (clay) soil and to dig in manure. In the (vegetable) garden, unlike the garden spade, the roots of the plant are less damaged when transplanting with the digging fork. For the same reason, the gardener also prefers this tool for sticking out creepers and shrubs. A slightly wider and longer fork is used as a potato lifting fork. See also the little digging fork. [MOT]