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??? What are these question marks doing here? These represent tools which we know by a Dutch or French name, but who's English name is yet unknown. Suggestions are always welcome!

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Basin wrench
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Basket maker's bodkin
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Basket maker's rapping iron
For more technical information on this hand tool of a basket maker, you can visit the dutch version of this page. See also the commander of a basket maker. [MOT]
Basket shave
For more technical information on the basket shave of a basket maker, you can visit the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Battery clamp pliers
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Battery clamp spreader
Before reinstalling the clamps on the poles of, for example, a car battery, it is desirable to first clean them with this battery clamp spreader, i.e. remove the trapped battery acid, and also widen them slightly to ensure that they reach far enough over the battery pole. [MOT]
Battery post and terminal cleaner
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Beam compass
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Beam scribe
The beam scribe (1) is a manual tool for marking a beam by cutting a groove in it. It consists of a thin metal blade (about 3 / 10-15 cm) bent at right angles at one end, the angle of which cuts. It is often combined with a saw-setting iron; usually this iron is on the opposite end, but sometimes the notches are cut into the blade itself (2); exceptionally the saw-setting iron is positioned between a double scribe (3).The carpenter uses the beam scribe to indicate the location and nature of the operation (sawing, mortising, etc.), sometimes also to number the beams.To be distinguished from the timber scribe, from the clog maker's timber scribe, from the saddler's racer and from the farrier's hoof cleaning knife.See also the scribing point. [MOT](1) WEYNS 1967-68.(2) Eg. LOMBARD & MASVIEL: 117.(3) BISTON-BOUTEREAU-HANUS: 249.
Bean hook
A bean hook can be used to remove heavy weeds, shrubs, etc. The tool is very similar to the billhook with hook-shaped blade, but is longer (approx. 50 cm) and narrower (approx. 3 cm). Sometimes a small axe is forged on the back of the blade. [MOT]
Bean knife
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Bean slicer
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Bee brush
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Bee smoker
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Beet lifting fork
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Beet lifting spade
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Beet lifting tongs
The farmer lifts the beets with a beet lifting fork or beet lifting spade. However, when the soil is very moist, these hand tools are of little use. One then uses these beet lifting tongs, which one holds with both hands. [MOT]
Beet loading fork
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Beet topper
The leaves and heads of the sugar beet are cut off with the beet topper (1). It can be a large knife with a convex curved blade and a straight handle, such as a bread knife or a piece of the blade of a scythe with the point broken off (2). In another model, the blade is trapezoidal and the edge is straight. The beet topping hoe or the mechanical beet-cutter is also used for the same purpose. [MOT] (1) According to V.A.W.P.: 1.360, there are also tools in the form of a vegetable chopping knife for that purpose. (2) Eg. JEWELL: 15.
Beet topping hoe
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Bell drill
This is a gimlet with approx. 40 cm long bit to drill through door frames when an electrical wire has to be inserted. It is useful in relatively light materials such as plaster and wood for door frames, ceilings, walls and floors. Especially in the period of electrification, this drill was widely distributed, for the installation in existing buildings of a telephone, a doorbell or for internal calls for staff or visitors. [MOT]
Belt plier slot punch
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Bench hammer
Hammer of various shapes, some models of which are very similar to a joiner's hammer. The peen, which can be at right angles to or in the same direction as the stem, is wedge-shaped or has been replaced by a sphere. The tool weighs between 100 and 1300 g. The bench fitter, but also the blacksmith, the car repairer and even the joiner use the bench hammer for all kinds of work. The silversmith uses a bench hammer with a convex peen to knock the inlay metal into place in so-called parquet (1). To be distinguished from the forging hammer which is heavier. See also the whetting anvil. [MOT] (1) Technique in which molds of different metals are placed in a closely contiguous "patch pattern".
Bench holdfast
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Bench shear
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Bending spring
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Bicycle alligator wrench
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Bilberry picker
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Bill hook
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This text can only be consulted in Dutch <>
Billiard table iron
To smooth a billiard cloth, one can use a billiard table iron. This is a full metal iron with a thick (approx. 3-4 cm) rectangular (approx. 25 by 10 cm) blade and a U-handle. It resembles the solid metal iron that people used to use at home, but it is much heavier (approx. 7-8 kg). The carpenter sometimes used a billiard iron as a glue iron. [MOT]
Bleacher's shovel
Wooden, long (approx. 2-2.15 m) gutter-shaped shovel with which the bleacher sprayed the linnen - which was spread out on the meadow - with water from the ditch. The combination of the sunlight, the grass on which the linnen was laid and the water made the gray linnen white in colour. In Germany a copper spoon which somewhat resembles the liquid manure scoop, or a watering can was used for this purpose (1). See also the mud scuppit. [MOT] (1) "Die grosse Wäsche'': 161.
Blind cleaner
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Blind riveting pliers
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Block plane
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Blow pipe (glass blower)
The blow pipe of a glass blower is not to be confused with the blowing tube for a fireplace or the blow pipe (silversmith).
Blow pipe (silversmith)
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Blowing tube
This blowing tube to stir up the fire in a fireplace is not to be confused with the blow pipe (glass blower) or the blow pipe (silversmith).
Board cutter
The board cutter (1) is a hand tool for cutting softboard plates. The shape is reminiscent of a plane, but it is not one. In most models, a guide is provided in the center, in which a blade can be attached at an angle. A hollow space is provided for this purpose. The whole is fastened with lateral screws. Board was a popular building material in the 1950s and 1960s and consists of sheets of pressed fibres, used, among other things, as ceiling panels. With a board cutter one could cut plates to size and cut a bevel to obtain a V-shape between two connected plates. [MOT] (1) The proper name in English is yet unknown.
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Body file
Body file for the bodywork of a vehicle. For more technical information, see the dutch version of this page. [MOT]
Bolt cutters
With these heavy duty wire cutters you can cut reinforcing bar. The military uses a folding model to cut heavy wire or fencing. More technical information on our Dutch pages. [MOT]
Bolter for kitchen
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Bone folder
Elongated tool (approx. 20 cm long; approx. 2 cm wide) usually made of bone, but possibly also horn, wood or ivory with rounded edges. One short side is more pointed than the other. The folder from boxwood is mainly used for folding sheets coming out of printing (1). The folder made of bone is used by the bookbinder to flatten the corners and edges of the cover of a book and to press the crease in the spine. It is made of bone because this material does not leave a permanent crease mark in the paper or leather. See also the paperknife and polishing bone. [MOT]
Boning knife
Raw meat is boned with a boning knife. It has a sturdy, narrow blade (approx. 10-20 cm long) with a wide back and a sharp point. It is attached in a wooden or plastic handle that is usually shaped in such a way that the hand - which becomes greasy during boning - cannot slip on the blade. See also the ham boner. [MOT]
Boot hook
A sturdy metal hook (approx. 10-23 cm) with a wooden, bone or metal T-handle (sometimes a ring, see boot jack) with which to put on high boots. Sometimes a button hook and a punch were forged on the end of the T-handle (1).The boot hook is inserted into the strap that is attached to the top of the boot; then the foot is put into the boot and the boot is put on. When the boot has two straps, two boot hooks can be used.The hook may have a decorated shank or a spherical button on the end to prevent the hook from slipping out of the strap; some are foldable.A boot jack can be used to take off boots easily. [MOT](1) David Stanley Auctions. 65th international auction 28th March 2015: 11.
Boot jack
The boot jack is a wooden or metal (now also plastic) tool for easy removal of boots. Usually it consists of a fork-shaped branch or plank (approx. 25-30 cm by 10 cm). Underneath there is a cross wood or a metal support so that the fork or the notch is about 5 cm above the ground. The whole can also be made of metal. The back of the one boot is inserted into the fork-shaped end and the other foot is placed on the board. Another model consists of a plank into which an opening in the shape of a foot has been cut (1). There is also a foldable model where the shelf is hinged in the middle so that it can be taken with you on a journey more easily. The boot jack can be combined with a brush or a boot hook. [MOT] (1) ARMINJON & BLONDEL: 336 write that this model can be provided with a hinged long handle that can be grasped as a support.
This text about the bottle-brush can only be consulted in Dutch.